Beloved Reader,
I wanted to announce that I am nearing absolute completion of the DVD we filmed down in Hollywood California back in April. What a night that was. Wrought with the sound of a cracking whip, an even louder audience, guest appearances, and great friends. Truly it was one of the most spectacular nights of my life. I’ll never forget how wonderful that show was, especially now that we have cinematic evidence of its grandeur.
I’ve decided to title the DVD “Babylon”. Apropos…. Yes. But Gomorrah was taken and Sodom, well that just sounded too filthy. Ha!
Some of you will remember the last time I released a DVD, I was ensured by the pressing company that they could render it ‘Region Free”, Meaning… Anyone could play it, in whatever country they lived in. Well the fact is, that was untrue. I had to learn the hard way, and in turn, paid for it.
So here’s what I’m going to do this time:
I will be making 500 copies of this DVD.
I’m going to set them for Region 1 (North America).
If you live in any other part of the world this disc wont work on your DVD player, but it would probably work on your laptop. (Most computers now don’t have region codes.) And if you’re still not comfortable getting that option, I will be making 100 USB flash drives with the show loaded onto it. Boom.
Pre Orders will begin this Friday June 27th at 12(noon)pm PST. I am keeping it simple…… Here’s what you can order….
$15 is a simple digital download of the show.
$20 is a copy of the DVD
$20 is one of the USB drives
$30 will get you the DVD and a 3×5 signed photo.
That’s it. Done and Done.
I wish you all could have been there that night.
William Control – Babylon…. will be released about a month later just before the start of the Punishment tour!
All my love
William Control
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